India: An Indian Army Long Service & Good Conduct Medal - George VI (7181 NAIK RAM SINGH 2-14 PUNJAB R.). Naming is officially impressed. Better than very fine.
Great Britain: Volunteer Long Service And Good Conduct Medal
Date: (instituted) 1894
Metal: Silver.
Size: 36mm
Design: (Obverse) effigy of the reigning monarch; (reverse) a...
Canada: Ontario Provincial Police Long Service And Good Conduct Medal
Date: 15 December 1949.
Name: Cpl. K. A. McKay
Metal: Silver.
Size: 38mm.
Design: (Obverse) the Coat of...
Great Britain: Royal Navy Long Service and Good Conduct Medal to Robert Pattison Gunner 7th Co. R.M.A. Robert Pattison was born at Thirsk, Yorkshire, in May 1844 and enlisted in the Royal Marine...
Great Britain: Royal Naval Long Service and Good Conduct Medal to 199744 F.W. HORNER, P.O. 1CL., H.M.S. IRRESISTIBLE. Includes paperwork. Chief Petty Officer Frederick William Horner was...
Great Britain: Royal Naval Long Service and Good Conduct Medal to J.99683 G.R.D. CHENNERY. A.B. H.M.S. COURAGEOUS. Includes paperwork. H.M.S. Courageous: Sunk by German Submarine...